Sunday, 3 November 2013

Week 5

I should have been blogging a lot more regularly than I have been, but it doesn't mean I have not been working on my 3d modelling. 

The assignment I have been working on requires modelling ships from the star wars. I have decided that I would do space ships from the BattleStar Galactica Universe instead as I find the the ships and the whole universe much more exciting. over the course of the past 3 weeks I have learnt a lot and restarted my models many times.

The 2 model that I have completed so far are the Viper Mark II and the Cylon Raider Mark II, I used images as reference planes to make these models the links to the reference  are as follows:

After completing these models I decided that I should do some practice with texturing and unwrap UVW the viper was the logical choice to do this with. Changing the colour of the cockpit and adding the stripes on the nose and around the rear was easy as it was just chaanging the texture of individual polygons. The wings and tail required uvw mapping to add the red stripes on as there where not individual polygons to change the colour of. The end result is shown below:

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